Wednesday 30 December 2015

Words with friends

My first post Christmas baking adventure started with inspiration from Mr Beard. We had a meet up planned with his usual Words with Friends opponent, a friend of his parents. We were discussing what to give him as a Christmas gift, when Mr Beard said "we could make scrabble tiles out of biscuits". This meant I could, but it seemed like a good challenge. So here I am in my in-laws kitchen, grappling with an unfamiliar oven, very old fashioned, and slightly inaccurate scales and never having piped before! I looked on the internet for inspiration, and all the pictures I saw looked very professional, and yet unobtainable, so I flicked through the cookery books I had with me. I found a recipe for lemon star biscuits in '101 Christmas Dishes' which I decided looked plain and pale enough, and made chocolate butter cream from the back of the icing sugar packet, with melted plain chocolate included, and was pretty pleased with the results. We had loads of biscuits and icing left over, so used them as place settings too!


  1. These look fab. Maybe useful for multisensory spelling practice!

  2. Wow! You've got a blog. So cool ;) And the biscuits look great too!

  3. Mmm delicious! Happy Christmas!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The biscuits were delicious. Thanks for the creative pressie.

  6. Such a great idea. Very impressed with the piping!
